
Showing posts from May, 2024

Things Every Living Room Needs According

A Focal Point Designers Shawn and Tina Taylor of  Dacotah Studio  tell me that every well-designed living room needs a focal point. “Whether it's a stunning piece of furniture or a captivating piece of artwork, this focal point draws the eye and anchors the room, giving it a sense of purpose and cohesion,” Shawn Taylor says. However, the focal point should  not  be a television according to interior designer Barrett Cooke of  Arterberry Cooke . “A focal is not a television," she says. "It should be either a fireplace or a nice piece of art that lets the room be more than a space for watching television.” A Color Story The Taylors say a color story is crucial for a properly decorated living room. “Follow the 60-30-10 rule to create the perfect balance," Tina Taylor says. "60 percent of a dominant color, 30 percent of a secondary color, and 10 percent of an accent shade.” That 60 percent may be the color of your walls or sofa, the 30 percent could be your curtains...

9 Common Cleaning Conundrums (and How to Solve Them)

  1. Dingy or Moldy Grout Grout is porous, and it can be difficult to  clean grout lines  that are set deeper than the surface tiles. Experts recommend regular cleaning with a grout brush, but when grout is badly stained or has developed significant mold or mildew buildup, something stronger may be needed. A mold- and mildew-eliminating grout cleaner that contains chlorine bleach, like  X-14 , makes quick work of cleaning and brightening dirty grout. For a solution that doesn't call for heavy-duty cleaning agents like bleach, a  steam cleaner  like the  Bissell Steam Shot  fitted with a grout brush attachment will do the job fast using only steam. 2. Stiff and Smelly Towels (Even When Clean) There's a surprising reason why your towels come out of the wash feeling stiff and smelling less than fresh: You're using too much detergent, liquid fabric softener, or dryer sheets. Waxy buildup from softeners reduces the absorbency of towels, and buildup fro...