Every house has its own scent. Sometimes it's good, and sometimes it isn't. Creating the fragrance atmosphere that makes your home smell like, well, home, means considering all the different scents that permeate your space, from your candles and your cooking to your pet and your perfume.
Try a Stovetop Scent
The clean, fresh scent of citrus and florals is easy to create with a few key ingredients found in your refrigerator or pantry. "Place a mixture of your favorite herbs, spices, and water in a pot and simmer on the stove. By mixing slices of lemon, orange, and lime with spices like mint, lavender, or basil, you can make your house smell great with things that are already in your kitchen.
Use Candles Carefully
While candles, diffusers, and fragrance sprays are simple ways to scent your home, you should only use them when you aren't cooking..
Run a Lemon Through Your Garbage Disposal
You may not notice the smell of your garbage disposal, but lingering odors can be an unpleasant welcome for guests. Luckily, there's an easy way to eliminate the stink—and make your whole kitchen smell good in the process. While running cold water, run an entire cut-up lemon through the garbage disposal for a fresh scent that will permeate throughout your entire kitchen.
Make a Fabric Spray That Removes Pet Odors
While the smell of your wet dog or fishy cat food may no longer draw your attention, eliminating pet odors can improve the overall smell of your home (especially for guests). Make a safe pet odor eliminator with these steps:
Measure 1 tablespoon of baking soda into a bowl.
Add 30 drops of wild orange essential oil and mix with a fork.
Put the scented baking soda into a spray bottle and add 2 cups of distilled water. Shake.
Spray in the air or onto fabric to remove smells.
You could also make a point of moving any pet food dishes out of the main room into an out-of-the-way space. While you might be desensitized to the smell of your own pet's food, guests may be less so.
Use Room Sprays With Subtle Scents
If you want your home to smell great all the time, you need to think about how all the different fragrances in your space work together, from your laundry detergent and your perfume to your partner's shampoo and your kids' body wash.
If you're looking for an airborne fragrance product to be standard in your home, you should opt for something mellow, like citrus or lavender. When you're in your home, you are cooking, taking showers, doing laundry, and all of those scents layer on top of each other—so you don't want to go with something that's too strong.
Layer Fragrances to Create a Custom Scent
While custom scent studios will allow you to develop your own personalized blend of fragrance, you can do this on your own by layering different aromas and products in different parts of your home. Make your ownessential oil-scented bath salts, putlavender sachetsin your drawers, and infuse your own bar soap with delicate florals.Make your own candles, whip up abatch of chocolate-chip cookies, and use prettyindoor plantsfor a bright, clean fragrance.
Use Fresh or Dried Florals
There's a reason so many home fragrances rely on natural scents of flowers and foliage: They're soothing and subtle crowd-pleasers. Plantfragrant flowers, like roses, gardenias, lilacs, and freesias, in your garden; then harvest them andarrange aromatic bouquetsin each room of your home. Hangeucalyptus in your shower(or anywhere, really) for an instant mood-booster, add a vase of lavender to your office, and make your own dried, scented potpourri from foraged petals. What's nice about dried florals is that you can always spritz them and the scent will hold for a few days.
Introduce Fresh Air
Don't forget the power of adding some fresh air to the mix. Whenever you clean your house, make a point of cracking some windows to get a cross breeze that will flush out stale air and lingering odors. It makes a big difference in every room and sets the stage for whatever great-smelling cooking, candles, or floral aromatics you want to use. You also capture the freshening power of the outdoors by hanging bed sheets to dry on sunny or windy days.
Kitchens 1. Three-tone kitchens. Two-tone kitchen cabinets — meaning the upper cabinets are one color and the lower cabinets another color, or the perimeter cabinets are one color and the island is a different color — dominated kitchens in the past couple of years. So it’s only natural that designers are building on the trend rather than doing away with it. In a three-tone kitchen, one more color or material is introduced to create an asymmetry in the palette that helps define zones or functions and keeps the eye moving. Here, designer Janina Cabrera of J Style at Home designed a gorgeous kitchen with white perimeter cabinets, a light wood island base and a knockout powder-blue hutch. In this kitchen by Hutker Architects , a deep navy defines the refrigerator and pantry wall to the left, joining white perimeter cabinets and a superlight wood island base. Wood via the beams, ceiling, shelves and flooring adds to the diverse three-tone palette. ...
1. Outdoor gear Dave Labbe , senior vice president at Kittery Trading Post, saw record sales this summer of items like kayaks, camping gear, and bicycles. He expects the trend to continue for the winter. "Our anticipation is that all winter categories will see the same trend," he says. "Snowshoeing, cross-country skiing, downhill skies, snowboarding, and winter camping and hiking will boom as people continue to participate in anything outdoor-related." And outdoor activities aren't just for weekends, either. Kids who are still learning from home will need outdoor breaks. Store inventories of backyard ice rink kits , backyard snowboards , skates, sleds, and snowman kits may melt away quickly. 2. Outdoor clothing Coats, hats, and mittens are popular every winter season, but this year you might have trouble finding what you want as more people brave the cold and snow to fend off cabin fever. "People want to continue spending time together safely this winte...
The homeownership rate of black Americans hit an all-time low in the first quarter of this year as black communities continue struggling to recover financially from the housing crisis a decade ago, recent U.S. Census Bureau data shows. The black homeownership rate has dropped 8.6 percentage points since peaking in 2004. “We can see that discrimination is still there, although it has changed its form,” Michela Zonta, a senior policy analyst at the Center for American Progress, told The Wall Street Journal . Zonta released a study this week that found higher-income black homeowners are more likely to purchase homes in predominantly minority neighborhood, which have mostly failed to see home values rise since the foreclosure crisis. In comparison, neighborhoods with predominantly white borrowers have seen homes appreciate 3% between 2006 to 2017, while homes in predominantly black neighborhoods tended to be worth 6% less than they were in 2006, according to Zonta’s study. ...
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